John Mark Comer Exposes the Truth About the Discipleship Crisis
In this video episode of The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast, John Mark Comer talks about the crisis in discipleship.
Raising Emotionally Strong and Worry-Free Kids
The Spirit of Our Politics
Michael Wear was a guest speaker in the second week of the Party Crasher series.
The Space Between Us
Sarah Bauer Anderson was the guest speaker in the third week of the Party Crasher series.
The Righteous Mind
Drawing on his twenty-five years of groundbreaking research on moral psychology, Jonathan Haidt shows how moral judgments arise not from reason but from gut feelings.
N.T. Wright on "Jesus and the Powers"
In this podcast (on YouTube), N.T. Wright talks about the book he co-authored, Jesus and the Powers. The book is also on this resource list.