
Skeptics welcome. 

Alpha creates a space where you can explore the Christian faith with others. We have conversations about the big questions of life, faith, and meaning. Each session includes dinner, a time to connect with others, a talk on some element of faith, and then a chance for people to share their own questions and perspectives with the group.

  • Was Jesus real?
  • How can I have faith? 
  • Why and how do I pray? 
  • How does God guide us?

The next Alpha session begins Feb. 5, 2025. 

Sign up for Alpha

Doug & Shahab's Story

When Shahab invited Doug to Alpha, neither one of them knew that the questions Doug asked there would lead to major transformation in his marriage, family, and even his sense of purpose and priorities. Alpha's a safe space to explore the biggest questions of life -- invite a friend, or join in.

Join Alpha

We offer Alpha several times throughout the year. Stay tuned for details on the next events.

Curious about Christianity?

Whether you’re familiar with Christianity or you’re newly curious about what it teaches: this is a deep-dive into a faith — a way of living, a belief about what truly matters in life — that changed the whole world. We’re Verve City Church, and this is our MasterClass.